Monday, May 20, 2013


When you ask someone what website they spend the most of their time on, most would probably say Facebook or Twitter.

If asked the same question, I say QUORA! I love everything about Quora. I love that smart people just kind of accumulate on Quora, I love that I can answer questions and ask questions.
I love that I'm write things that people actually read. Most of all, I love the knowledge. 

Anyway, so I'm going to be posting my Quora answers on here too. I'm pretty proud of some of my answers on Quora. I spend a lot of time thinking through my replies, and other users on Quora often comment and thank me for my input. So here's my first Quora reply: 

Kat added an answer. 10 votes by Connie Moore, Phil Darnowsky, Ankur Dave, (more)
There is only a matter of seconds of ATP stockpiled in your body at any given time. ATP is the "power" which fuels your muscles, including your heart. 
If the body is no longer manufacturing ATP (which is what happens soon after you die) the body quickly uses all ATP which was stockpiled.
Without ATP, the blood no longer pumps to the rest of your body. Without blood pumping throughout your body, oxygen and essential chemicals are no longer going into your brain. 
When the brain runs out of sodium and potassium, the brain stops receiving and transmitting action potentials. 

What is it that causes you to "feel" pain? The action potentials which are translating information in your brain! Without action potentials, there is no receiving or translation of information. Without receiving or translating information, there is no sensation of pain, so no! 

There will be no sensation of pain after death.

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